How to make money on Fiverr in 2023- Best Strategies

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Everybody wants to make money online. In this way, Fiverr is one of the best ways of earning money online from Home. You can earn more than $10000 per month from freelancing. In this article, we will discuss how to make money on Fiverr.

If you have skills, no one can stop you from making money online.

If you are born poor it’s not your mistake, but if you die poor it’s your mistake

Bill Gates

Keeping in mind this quotation you can make money as you want but you need skills. If you are a professional then your life changed after reading this article. 

Introduction of Freelancing

Freelancing is an online way of earning money online. You need to join online freelancing platforms such as

  • Fiver
  • Upwork
  • Freelancer
  • Peopleperhour

You need to register your account and sell your services to different clients from all over the world. Freelancers independently work and decide their rates. They enjoy freedom and work from home.

Scope of freelancing increasing day by day. According to recent data, almost 54 percent of workers of GOOGLE are freelancers and independent creators. 

What is Fiver?

What Is Fiverr  and how to make money on Fiverr

Fiver is an online marketplace for freelancers. Freelancers connect customers to freelancers. Professionals make their accounts on Fiver and sell their services online. Fiver also provides a platform for freelancers and buyers. 

How to make money on Fiver

You can make money on Fiver easily. Just follow these steps.

Signup on Fiver

If you want to earn money then you need to create a fiver account. Create a seller account. Simply go to the fiver website and fill in your credentials and put your cover and profile picture.

Watch this Video How to Create Fiver Account:

Setup your Profile

When your account is registered. The next step is to create a seller profile. Because you are joining Fiver to offer services. 

Follow these things to create a professional Fiver Profile.

  • Create a professional Cover photo and Logo for your profile and upload it. Canva is the best option if you want to make your cover photo and logo. 
  • Then in the description provide details about your experience. This attracts more customers. 

Also Read How to start Freelancing Beginners Guide

How to create a Gig on Fiverr

When you complete your seller profile next you need to create a Gig. The gig is a proposal and description of the services that you are providing on fiver.

how to create a gig on Fiverr thumbnail with a girl holing a laptop and smilling

You need to create a professional gig that attracts customers. When someone searches for something then Gigs appear on Fiver. If your Gig is not professional then you find difficulty in finding a customer. The first Impression is the Last Impression in Professional Gig writing. 

  • Gig Title: Choose the best title which includes keywords about your services.
  • Gig Description: Write a description that describes your career and services.
  • SEO of Gig: Do proper SEO of the Title and Description
  • Competitors Analysis: Analyze your competitors and what they are doing.
  • Featured Video: Put a video of Your work or PDF if you are offering writing.
  • Pricing: Offer good services at cheaper rates as compared to others.
  • Featured Image: Choose an attractive featured image for your Gig.
  • Choose Service Type: Choose services and put them in the Gig you offer. For Example, if you are providing a Logo designing the facility. Then select this type. 
  • Choose Category: To create a professional gig, choose a category. For Example, if you are offering Logo design or Banner designing services then select the Graphic Designing category. 


Pricing plays an important role in Fiver Gig. According to recent research, customers want the best services at cheaper rates. So if you are new then follow these steps.

  • Analyze your competitor and what they are offering at what price. If your competitor is providing article writing services at $20 then you choose a price less than $20. It attracts more customers.
  • Also, view your competitor’s gigs and what services they are providing for $20. If they are providing 500 words article for $20 then you should choose 700 words article for less price.
  • One more thing you should keep in mind. If your competitors are doing a one-time review of this article. It means if the customer wants changes then it will review once. You should choose 2 times review.
  • If you follow these steps there are more chances that you get more customers. 

Read Also How to Write Best Gig Title for Fiverr

Rank Fiver Gig Fast

If you are facing a problem in getting orders. Especially people who work on highly competitive keywords face this problem. 

I will tell you a simple solution for ranking Fiver Gig fast. 

I will tell you by giving a simple example of Amazon. When you launch your new product on the Amazon store. When you are listing your product then you see that there is no reach. Then no one purchases this product and it’s ranking down day by day.

To solve this people ran PPC (Pay per Clicks) campaigns. Amazon provides customers and you have to pay for it to Amazon. In this way sales of your products increase and their value increases. 

In the same way on Fiver, you can also use this technique. 

In Fiver, there is the option of promoting Gigs. Fiver provides you service that you promote your specific gigs through Fiver advertisements. 

In this way, your gigs are ranked on different keywords. 

Tips to promote Fiver Gigs

  • You need to do proper SEO of the Gig
  • If your buyer message you then respond to it immediately. When you open someone’s profile then it shows a rating about inbox response.
  • Create your website and share your gigs and Fiver profile on it. Buy hosting and use it. Recommended hosting platforms are Hostinger and Godaddy.
  • Promote your Fiver Gig on your Youtube Channel.
  • Use proper keywords for your product.
  • Run ad campaigns on Fiver to promote Gigs.
  • Promote gigs through Email-Marketing.
  • Promote Gigs through Facebook groups 

6 Ways to Find Clients for Fiver

Here are the 6 ways to find clients online. These methods are 100% working. 

  1. Linkedin: I suggest you use Linkedin to find clients. On this platform all types of clients are available. You need to log in and then find customers according to your niche. You can also find the email of customers on Linkedin. You will be able to find long-term clients and big companies. 
  2. From Business Directories: Second way of finding clients is from Business Directories. If someone is hiring you then definitely he is running a business or company. Then on these directories, their business is listed. On these websites, you can find clients.
  3. From Google Search: Google search will help you a lot in this regard. Simply open Google and search for the market or niche that you want to target. Google search is the best way of finding clients for Fiver. 
  4. From Social Media: Social media like Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter help you in finding customers for Fiver. Create your business profiles on all social media networks. If you are trying to get customers then you need to show customers that you are professional. On social media, hashtags help you a lot. Social media is an effective source of free traffic for your business. 
  5. Through Blog Posts: You need to create a website related to your Fiver services. Publish blogs related to your services. When your website is ranked in Google search then you will automatically get customers. 
  6. Through Social Media Ads: If you want to invest. Then this option is best. Run advertisements on Social media like Facebook, and Instagram related to your Fiver profile category. When you run ads then Facebook shows your ad to related customers. It will provide more and more orders to you. 

How to get First Order on Fiverr

These tricks work 100%. It will help you a lot if you are new to freelancing and facing problems in getting the first order.

how to create a gig on Fiverr thumbnail with a girl wearing glasses working on laptop

If you use this trick then many clients contact you. When clients contact you then it’s on you to show your skills so they will put order.

  • Choose Niche: There are millions of Gigs on Fiver. You should not create gigs on wide niches like Graphic Designing, Video Editing, etc. Choose a niche with less competition at the beginning of your Fiver journey.
  • Put specialty in Gig: On Fiver daily thousands of Gigs are published. You need to create a special Gig so that people click on it. For Example, if you focus on Graphic design and you are special in Logo design. Did you mention Logo designing in your Fiver Gig? 
  • Build Confidence: When people search for services. They check reviews of clients. If they find the best rating then they put an order. If someone orders services from you then give him a proper response and confidence. Also, ask him to give a review about your services.
  • Find your Target Audience: If you want to be successful on Fiver then find a target audience for your niche. Find what people are searching for about your service. For example, if you are offering Logo designing and people are searching for a Logo and your niche category on Fiver is not the same. Then it will cause difficulties for you.


Every business needs some time. If you are thinking that you create your Fiver profile and get your orders then you are wrong. It takes some time. Be patient and focus on your work. Above mentioned tips help you a lot in finding customers. If your services are good then no one stops you from earning $1000 per month.


How do beginners make money on Fiverr?

If you are a beginner and want to make money on Fiver follow these steps.
Create your Fiver seller profile.
Upload professional Logo and Banner
Create Gig
Do proper SEO of Gig
Choose the Category of your niche
Attach images of your work
Publish your Gig and use Social media to promote your gigs.

Can you make good money on Fiverr?

Fiver is the best platform that provides you with customers. You need to create a profile and offer services and decide your rates. People pay you and buy your services. You can make almost $1000 per month from Fiver as a Freelancer. 

What is the easiest way to make money on Fiverr?

Follow these steps if you want to make money easily.
Choose a category in which you are professional
Create SEO-friendly Gig
Publish your Gig and share it on Social media
Run advertisement campaigns to boost your sales.
Offer the best services to your customers at cheaper rates. 

Does Fiverr pay you immediately?

When customers place an order from Fiver then they pay to Fiver. When you complete your order then Fiver transfers 80% revenue to your account. The other 20% remain pending for 14 days. If the client is satisfied then Fiver transfers the remaining funds to your account. 

Can I join Fiverr with no experience?

Fiver provides you with jobs without experience. You need to satisfy your customers and Fiver pays you. There is no required qualification or experience from any institution. So it’s easy to join fiver without experience. 

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