How to start Freelancing- Complete Guide for Beginners with no experience in 2023

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More than 85% of Jobs holders want to start freelancing as a side business to earn extra money. Trend of freelancing is increasing worldwide day by day including in the USA. In this article, we will discuss how to start Freelancing with no experience.

According to CNBC, the freelancing market is growing day by day in which the USA is on top of the list. This graph shows you details.

Fastest Growing Freelancing Skills Graph

People choose the freelancing field because they have the freedom to work anytime from any place. More than one-third of USA job holders are part-time freelancers according to a recent report by Upwork. If you want to start freelancing then this article will help you a lot.

Let’s dive into them.

Set goals for your business

Before starting a freelancing career you should set your goals.

If you set goals and go after them with all the determination you can muster, your gifts will take you places that will amaze you

Les Brown’s

So following this quotation you should set up your goals in freelancing.

  • The first step is that You should keep in mind Why are you starting freelancing? Is doing it part-time or Full-time?
  • When you decide according to your recent condition you should choose a niche in which you are experienced
  • Then decide what you offer and how much you want to earn from it.
  • When it’s done then focus on the work.

Success is often achieved by those who don’t know that failure is inevitable.

Coco Chanel

Choose a demanding category

This step is most important to start a freelancing career as a beginner. Because it is important to choose the best category which is highly demanding.

Below are the top demanding categories in Freelancing.

  • Website Designing
  • Content Writing
  • Graphic Designing
  • SEO (Search Engine Optimisation)
  • App Development
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Data Entry

So it is necessary to choose the best demanding category because you are starting freelancing to earn money.

When you discover your mission, you will feel its demand. It will fill you with enthusiasm and a burning desire to get to work on it.

W. Clement Stone

How to target clients to increase orders

Everybody knows how they to want start freelancing but 90% of people left because they didn’t get clients. 

How to target customers to increase sales in freelancing

3 Ways to choose target clients according to Your Niche.

  1. Join Freelancing Jobs Posting Platforms
  2. Joining Whatsapp Groups and Freelancer Networks
  3. Marketing and Advertisements

So if you want to find target clients you will need to focus on these three things.

For Example, When a new company is launched they focus on marketing and advertisements to increase its sales. So in freelancing, it’s the same.

You need to advertise your business. It includes both paid and free promotions.

In paid you should run a Facebook ad campaign because Facebook shows your ad to target clients who are interested in your services. You can also choose Google advertising.

In Free promotion, you will have the option of joining Whatsapp and Facebook groups, Other job posting platforms.

Also, Read How to Make Money on Fiverr

How to set your Freelance Rate

When you are freelancing then your main focus is earning. But you should be very careful while deciding your rates.

Customers want high quality at low prices and they to want it now.

Bill Gates

It’s 100% true that people want professional things at low prices. 

How to set freelance rate

Keep in mind these things while deciding your rates.

  • You will need to analyze your competitor’s rates. View their gigs and what they are offering
  • You should view what things they are providing at what price.
  • For Example in Content Writing A Freelancer is saying that he will write an SEO post for you. If his price is $5 and writes 500 Words article for its customers. Then you should set your rate to $3 and offer an article of 700 words.
  • Here above quotation apply that people want quality at low rates.

Guide about how to create a website or Portfolio

After doing all the above things you need to create a website. On this website, you need to mention your previous work experience and some samples of your work.

For Example, if you are a logo designer. You should create some professional logos and upload them on your website. This technique will help you to find more customers. When a person visits your website and if your work is professional. Then there is a high chance that he will put the order on your website.

Some tips about creating a website for Freelancing

  • If you want to create a free website then You can choose or Blogger. If you are choosing a blogger then you should use a professional template for your website.
  • But if you want to invest then Buy Hosting and domain and then use WordPress.
  • Keep in mind that your website should be professional and user-friendly.
  • You should put slides that mention your creativity and your experience.
  • Create social media icons and put links to your social media accounts such as Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. It will help you to build trust.

Tips about finding the first client

As a new freelancer finding the first client or order is too much difficult. It’s the same as staring across a barren desert.

These tips will help you to find your first client

  • First of all, you will need to create your Portfolio website. In this regard, will help you a lot. It will create a professional profile that showcases your work. Another website will also help you a lot in this regard.
  • You should boost your profile on Social media. In this regard, the Facebook advertisement will help you a lot.
  • Create a profile on Linked.
  • Join freelancer groups and like pages on Whatsapp and Facebook
  • Find a Zoom meeting and Podcast or Live session to join
  • Email marketing is a free way to get the first client.
  • Meet with an expert freelancer and seek guidance from them
  • Understand your chosen industry 

How to join the freelancer community

There are many Questioning and Answering forums such as Quora. You should join all these forums. Feel free to ask questions related to your niche.

You should also join Facebook groups and Whatsapp groups and ask about your problems and find solutions for these problems.

Because when you join this community then you will know what is going on in this industry. What people are doing? Which niche is best and at what rates freelancers are getting more customers?


Freelancing is not an easy job. If you think that when you join any freelancing platform such as Fiver, or Upwork and start earning then you are wrong. Every business needs time and sometimes you need to face difficulties.

So if you are interested and want to work hard with patience then this is the best option for you. There is no time limit that you will succeed after 1 or two years. If you are lucky and a worker then maybe you get an order from the first day. 


Now let’s dive into Frequently asked questions about this article.

Is Freelancing A Career?

Yes, freelancing is a career. It depends on what you are doing as a freelancer. All the categories including Logo designing, Web development, and Andriod app development are careers. 

Which Field Is Best In Freelancing?

Many fields are in high demand. But some famous fields are Web Designer, Digital Marketing, Content Writing, Logo designing, Graphic designing, and photography.

How Can I Start Freelance With No Experience?

The best thing about freelancing is that it needs no experience. If you have skills and use the Internet then you can start your career as a freelancer without a professional degree or experience from any institute. But you need to work hard.

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