How to find hidden camera- 10 Best Ways to detect spy cameras

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The world is progressing rapidly and the use of technology increasing day by day. Here is a new invention of hidden cameras or spy cameras. Technology is a good thing but it depends on us how we use it. In the same way, spy cameras are used for good purposes but now hidden cameras are used for disturbing others’ privacy.

In this article, we talk about what are hidden cameras, where these cameras are placed, how to find hidden cameras, and most importantly what to do when we find them.

These days people stay with their families in hotels and private guest houses. In these places, hidden cameras are placed to invade in person’s privacy. Their private moments are secretly recorded and then blackmailed using spy cameras.

Definition of Hidden/Spy Cameras

According to Wikipedia A hidden camera or spy camera is a camera used to photograph or record video of people without their knowledge.

The camera may be considered as “hidden” because it is not visible to the subject being filmed, or disguised as another object. Hidden cameras are often used for surveillance.

Common places where Hidden/Spy cameras are placed

Here are the most common places where mostly Hidden/Spy cameras are placed.

1. Air Filters

2. Books Shelf

3. Pens

4. Alarm Clocks

5. Chargers

6. Wall Clocks

7. Couch, Cushions

8. Tiny holes in the wall

9. Clothes hooks

10. Stuffed teddy bears

11. Stuffed toys

12. Table artificial plants

13. Lamps or Light blubs

14. DVD Cases

15. Door Locks or Windows

These are the most common places but there are a lot of little things where spy cameras may be placed.

Outdoor Places where Spy Cameras may be Placed

  1. House Plants
  2. Outdoor Lights
  3. Doorbells
  4. Exterior Front Door

8 Ways to Find Hidden Cameras

Now let’s talk about 10 ways to find spy cameras.

girl with brown hair watching with binoculars

1. Examine the Environment Carefully:

One of the simple ways to detect hidden cameras is to examine the room inch by inch. You need to view all the little things which are mentioned above to find hidden cameras. This technique is most useful because using your mind you will be able to find any obvious thing. You should start hustle and bustle and putting cushions and observe them, checking tissues boxes, desk plants, and all the holes in the wall when you observe keenly all these things then its a 99% chance that you will be able to find the spy cameras in your room.

2. Turn off all the room lights and use a flashlight:

One of the simplest ways to find hidden cameras without using any device is to turn off all the lights in your room. 

  • Turn off the lights in your room and put on all the curtains. You need to make sure that your room is fully dark and that no outdoor light is coming into the room. Otherwise, this technique will not work.
  • Now when all the lights are closed then on the flashlight of your mobile and when you move the flashlight if there are hidden cameras in your room you will see the small red light blinking because all the hidden cameras use infrared lights and which blink in low light conditions.
  • If you find any light blinking then look keenly it’s sure that it was a spy camera.

3. Detect Hidden cameras using a Smartphone Camera:

This is one of the easiest ways to detect spy cameras in a room. Most spy cameras emit infrared lights while working. So your mobile camera is the best gadget to find spy cameras. Your mobile camera can detect infrared rays.

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However, some mobile cameras didn’t have this option. To check this option your mobile phone can recognize spy cameras. You need to take a TV remote and then open your mobile camera then put the remote below the mobile camera and press any button on the mobile camera if the light of the TV remote sensor blink which you see in your mobile camera then your mobile can find hidden cameras otherwise it’s not possible.

This technique is also used to check whether your remote is working fine or not.

4. Scan local Wifi Network:

You can find hidden cameras by using hotel Wifi. But this method works only if the spy camera and your mobile phone are connected to the same wifi. If the spy camera is installed by Hotel then you need to connect to the Hotel’s local wifi and its a 90% chance that spy cameras are using the same wifi because most spy cameras need an active internet connection for its working.

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After connecting to local wifi you then need to install a network scanner app from the Google Play store or Apple store according to your Mobile software. When you search the Network scanner app then you will see a bunch of apps you can choose an app whose rating is good and read reviews to find the best app.

After installing the application when you open this app then you will see all the devices connected to this wifi network.

But here is the question of how to find a hidden camera. Don’t worry I will tell you. Mostly spy cameras’ default name is IP camera or spy or hidden camera. Most users of spy cameras didn’t bother to change its name. So if you find any name related to this then definitely it was a hidden camera.

5. Make a random call to detect Spy cameras:

You can detect hidden cameras in your room by dialing a random call to your friend or any other number.

How does this method work? All mobile phones work on radio waves technology and hidden cameras also use the same technology. So you need to make a random call and move in the camera near the walls, and go close to all the objects where there is the possibility that maybe hidden cameras are present.

Your mobile call radio waves interrupt the radio signals of a spy camera and you will hear a little noise, buzzing, or crackling sound. If you are here you need to check this place its hidden camera.

6. Using a hidden camera detector:

There are a lot of tools available online and offline which help you to detect hidden cameras. You can find them on Amazon or Daraz. Before buying any of these gadgets you first need to check their reviews on Youtube and if its rating is good then buy it and use it for detecting hidden cameras.

7. Check mirrors to detect spy cameras:

Mostly hiding spy cameras in washrooms, or changing rooms are hidden behind mirrors. 

But here is the question:

How to find hidden cameras behind the mirrors?

  • To find hidden cameras behind the mirror you need to put your finger on the mirror.
  • Then you need to observe the gap between your finger and the mirror keenly.
  • If there is a gap between your finger and mirror then this mirror is real and no spy camera is installed but if you find that your finger and mirror touch tip to tip then something is watching you maybe a spy camera or person.
  • You can also detect hidden cameras by simply tapping on the mirror with your finger if the mirror makes a hollow or sharp sound then the mirror is two-sided and something is wrong and if tapping the mirror makes a dull sound then the mirror is one-sided and you are safe.

8. Check for keyholes and all the holes in the Wall:

Mostly hidden cameras are installed in the keyholes and holes in the wall because here it’s not possible to detect them. After all, in these places there is space and an ordinary person does not bother to check these holes. So you need to check all the wall holes to find the hidden cameras.

What to do if you find a hidden camera in your room

If you detect a hidden camera in a hotel or guest house then follow all these steps.


  • Do not touch the camera because if you touch then your fingerprints are available on the camera and it may be difficult to locate the criminal it may also be possible that police investigate you because your fingerprints are present on the hidden camera.
  • You need to keep away all your family members so that your activities are not recorded. Act as if you do not know about anything if the criminal detects your movements it may be possible that the criminal may harm you.
  • Secretly record the camera placed with your smartphone camera for proof it help you in future
  • Call the police and tell them about the camera and file a complaint against the person.


Here are the frequently asked questions about this article that may help you.

How to deal with a person who is spying on me with a hidden camera?

If you realize that someone is spying on you with a hidden camera. Then you should deal with it according to the situation. If the operator is your parents, boyfriend, or Girlfriend then simply record the video on the camera and ask them why are you doing this with me. If you find the operator is another person. Then you need to record a video of the place where the camera is present and simply call the police.

What is the easiest way to find a hidden camera?

If you have no gadget which helps you to detect the hidden camera. Then you can use your mobile flashlight to detect hidden cameras because your mobile camera can detect infrared lights and spy cameras use this technology. But keep in mind that all the room lights are off otherwise this method will not work.

Where are hidden cameras illegal?

Hidden cameras are not illegal they depend on their use which makes it legal or illegal. If you are using this for your security in your house then it’s legal. If you are using it for the surveillance of someone then it’s illegal. Installing spy cameras in hotels, and guest houses are illegal.

What are some ways to disable hidden cameras?

It’s not secure to disable the hidden camera. Because if you find a hidden camera in a hotel and try to disable or broke it then the police take your fingerprints and it causes trouble for you because you are destroying the crime scene. Stay away from the place and call the police.

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