15 Pro Tips to get Adsense approval Fast

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Is it tough to get AdSense approval? Or you are facing issues with Adsense approval? In this article, I am going to make it very easy for you to get AdSense approval.

In this article, I will explain in detail all the things essential for AdSense approval. I am going to tell you 15 advanced tips that are the backbone of the AdSense approval process.

Every day Google keeps changing its policies. If you have already taken Adsense approval on any website. Then getting a new website approval is not a difficult task. But if you are taking approval for the first time, you may face difficulties. But we will discuss all such things which, if you follow, then you can get approval.

15 Pro Tips to get Adsence approval Fast


Let’s discuss all the tips which you should follow. If you follow all these tips then you will surely get approval fast.

Use Paid TLD Domain for Website

If you want to get Adsense approval. Then do not use the free domain on a website like Blogspot.comWordPress.com, etc.

If you use such domains on your website, then it takes a lot of time for approval. Sometimes it doesn’t accept these domains.

Also, Read How to Increase Youtube Subscribers

You should add a custom domain for your website۔ It must be at least 30 days old.

Write Unique content on the Website

You don’t have to take any shortcuts to write content on your website. Your content should be unique. 

Whatever phrases you write on your website should be simple and unique. Being unique doesn’t necessarily mean it’s spin. If you spin your content. So its readability is lost. 

You must have content that people can understand. Don’t use words that people don’t understand. You are not writing to put people in trouble but to educate people.

If your English is weak, you should get another person to proofread it to see if it makes any sense or not.

If you want to check the readability of your article. So there are many tools and websites on Google. Which tells you whether your content is readable or not. 

Some tools that can help you check the readability، grammar check of your article are as follows.

Make your Website Ad ready

To keep your website ad-ready, you should use a theme that already has an ad placement section. As seen in the screenshot below.

Use a professional, simple theme for the website and has slots for putting ads. Some themes have an ad management section in their settings. Before using any theme, confirm whether it has an ad-management section or not.

Also, Read Best Google AdSense Alternatives

Some recommended themes for WordPress are

Some recommended themes for Blogger are

Clear Website Navigation

Before applying for Adsense make sure your website has clear navigation. Your website’s navigation structure should be within three levels.

Make sure that your website navigation is easy and professional. 

Use a Responsive Theme for the Website

Theme plays an important role in Adsense approval. So make sure that your theme should be responsive.

Choose a theme for your website that is suitable for all types of devices. Avoid themes that don’t use fonts well or have a complicated navigation structure.

30 Days 30 Posts Rule

If you want to get uproll on your website quickly then you should follow this rule. When you create a new website, it is mandatory to post one post per day for the first 30 days. 

Never apply for Adsense for the first 30 days. Before submitting your website to AdSense, check that there are no blank pages or under construction pages.

 Use Images in your Posts

You should use at least one and a maximum of 15 images in all articles on your websites. And add alt text and image titles in these images. 

If your website is informational, you should use maximum images. But keep in mind that all images are copyright free. 

Whenever you use an image first go to Canva and do a little editing so that there is value added to it and there is no objection.

Article Word count

Before posting an article on your website, check that your article has a minimum length of 1000 to 1200 words.

The longer the article, the more it helps in AdSense approval. The minimum length of the article should be 1000 words and you have to pay special attention to readability.

 Also, make sure that each paragraph contains only three to four sentences. All your content should be related to one main category. Make sure to interlink your article with other articles.

Create important pages

Before applying for AdSense to your website, make the required pages mandatory on your website. These pages include Contact UsAbout UsPrivacy Policy, and Disclaimer

You must add these pages to the footer, widget, or top navigation. If you do not know how to create these pages, there are many such websites on Google. Which lets you write content for these pages with the help of AI tools. Some of these websites are as follows.

  1. Termify
  2. PolicyMaker
  3. FreePrivacyMaker
  4. TermsandCondtionGenerator
  5. TermsFeed

Don’t Use Free Hosting

You never get noticed anywhere when you are using anything for free. If you want to create a good website and work professionally. Your goal is to earn money. 

So I will recommend that you should buy hosting from a good website and use it. 

Pros of Free hosting are these

  1. It slows down your website
  2. Adsence didn’t like it and rejected it.
  3. Advertisers didn’t place ads on slow websites
  4. Free hosting is not secure
  5. It causes problems

So I recommend you use paid hosting. Some top-reviewed hosting providers are these

  1. Hostinger
  2. NameCheap
  3. Godaddy
  4. BlueHost
  5. HostGator

Branding of Website

Website branding is a very important factor. Because when you create a website logo. So your website has the same name. 

The color scheme of the theme matches the same logo. And characters are also used within your name. So this color scheme shows the seriousness of your business. 

It is the logo that makes a professional impression. When you see a website that has the name Simple text written on it. When the logo is installed, it will show the professionalism of your website. It will also boost your AdSense approval process.

Important Integration of your Website

Make sure that your website is indexed in all the major search engines like

  1. Bing
  2. Yahoo
  3. Google
  4. Yandex
  5. DuckDuckGo

You can use Google Webmaster, Bing Webmaster, and other such tools to boost your traffic. Also, it helps you in the approval of your website with AdSense.

Follow SEO Rules

If you want instant approval of Adsnece then make sure that your website articles are SEO friendly. SEO stands for (Search Engine Optimization).


These include

  • Title SEO
  • Create Meta Description
  • Use Built points and Numbers lists
  • Check Grammar Mistakes
  • Create FAQ section
  • Write the conclusion of the article
  • Internal linking of posts
  • External linking of posts
  • Use images with Alt text and image Title

If you are a WordPress user then these tools help you to create SEO-friendly posts.

  1. RankMath
  2. Yoast SEO
  3. SEO Press

30 Posts on Home Page

Before applying for AdSense, make sure that you have at least 30 articles written on your first page. 

It is my personal experience that 80% of this formula works. When you are showing 30 posts on the homepage. So your Adsense approval comes within a week.

Upload Ads.txt file

When applying for Adsense, create an ads.txt file showing two values. One is your publisher ID and the other is your number. 

If you don’t know how to create this file, watch the video below to create a file and upload it to WordPress and Blogger.


This article explains all these points in detail. Which must be done before applying for AdSense. If you follow these things, your chances of AdSense approval will increase. And you get AdSense approval fast.


Is it hard to get AdSense approval?

Goolge adsnece approval is not hard. If you want to approve your Adsense instantly follow these steps.
Use professional domain
Write SEO-friendly content
Avoid grammatical errors in posts
Use a professional theme for your website
Use SEO friendly theme
Create important pages such as Privacy Policy, About US

How do I get AdSense approval in 2023

To get Adsense approval follow these steps
Your website should have at least 100 unique visitors daily
Use a professional theme and domain
Write professional and long articles
Then Signup for Adsense
Place the ad code in your HTML file of the website
Google Adsense manually reviews your site and approves it 

Can I get AdSense approval without traffic

There is no traffic requirement for AdSense approval. Because Google Adsense didn’t mention it. However, you should have at least 100 unique visitors daily. It will fast your Adsense approval process.

How much does AdSense pay per 50000 views?

Google Adsense pays almost $15 minimum and a maximum of $200 per 50k visitors. But it depends upon the country and CPC. If the CPC is high then it may be paying $1000 or $2000. If CPC is low it pays maybe $5.

Why do I keep getting rejected by AdSense?

There are a lot of reasons behind your Adsence rejection most common reasons are
Your application is a duplicate of the existing apply request
Your website is not indexed in search engines
Content on your website is of low value
Grammatical mistakes in content
Spin content and copied content
Without proper SEO

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