How to Recover Snapchat Streak in 2023

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Snapchat streaks or snap streaks are the number of consecutive days you have shared your streaks with your friends every day. If you can’t share streaks in 24 hours, they will disappear. In this article, we will know how to recover the Snapchat streak.

There are two reasons why Snapchat streaks disappear. One is that when you are constantly sharing streaks and they go away for a day, it disappears. 

So it is important to share or exchange every day to keep streaks from disappearing. , the second reason is that streaks disappear due to a glitch or error.

Don’t worry if your Snapchat streaks have disappeared, you can get your streaks back by following the tips in this article.

What are streaks on Snapchat?

On Snapchat, streaks refer to the number of consecutive days two users have sent a snap to each other when you and your friend send streaks to each other within 24 hours for three consecutive days. 

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So an emoji starts appearing with your name in the profile which means you have started sending each other streaks. It expires when you can’t send streaks in 24 hours.

How to recover Snapchat streak

Let’s know about the simple method. With its help, you can recover Snapchat streaks. Follow these steps.

  • First, go to the profile screen. 


  • Then click on the settings tab. 


  • Then drag and find the support option again in the support section and click on I need help


  • When I need help section opens click on the Contact Us option.
  • How can we help? section select my Snapstreaks has disappeared


  • After that drag and fill in a form that includes username, email, mobile number, device name, and some other requirements. 

how to recover snapchat streak

  • In this form also enter the username of the person with whom your streak is broken. S6
  • After that, you have to enter the number of streaks that were before the break.

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  • This form asks if you can see the icon. Select the No option.
  • After that, you have to write down some information about when your streak broke and why it broke. In it, you have to write a little convincing message.
  • After that submit the form.
  • After that, any response related to this form will come to the email you have given.
  • In most cases, your streaks will return after 24 hours. But sometimes this time can be shorter or longer.


If you send Snapchat Streaks every day, it’s there. But if you don’t send it even one day, it ends. But Snapchat has this option on how you can bring streaks back. You can get your streaks back within 24 hours by filling out the form as per the above instructions.


Here are some frequently asked questions about this article.

Why do people send streaks?

Snapchat streaks are a way to show the friendship between two people. This shows how many consecutive days the duo has sent streaks to each other. These streaks can be videos or photos.

What does <3  mean on Snapchat?

If you see a fire emoji on your profile, it means you and your friend have sent streaks to each other for three days in a row.

What’s the difference between snaps and streaks?

A snap is a photo or video that you send to your friend. Continuity does not make sense. You can send it whenever you want. But continuity in Streaks makes a lot of sense. It disappears if you have missed sending streaks within 24 hours.

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